Base22 attended the SEMANTiCS Conference 2016 in Leipzig, Germany. Cody Burleson and Miguel Aragón presented a demo of Carbon LDP to conference attendees.
Base22 introduced its flagship software product, Carbon LDP, which was released in November this year. Based on newly introduced Linked Data Platform standards from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Carbon allows "every-day" web developers to build Semantic Web apps that manage and link data within the enterprise and across the Web.
With Carbon LDP, we're trying to lower the Linked Data learning curve and make semantic computing more readily accessible. Part of our strategy in this regard has been to make a web development platform that abstracts away a lot of the notoriously academic concepts of Linked Data. First and foremost, we’re building a tool for building web applications – one that hopefully makes data management more like content management – easier.
To demonstrate this principle, Miguel Aragón demonstrated a "TO DO" application, which allows you to create Projects. For each Project, you can create TO DO items. You can tag the projects. And you can have a comment-thread on individual TO-DO items. A little more sophisticated than your run-of-the-mill "hello-world" style TO-DO app! Anyway, the app was pre-coded to use mock data.
Within fifteen minutes, Miguel recoded all of the services of the application to make them work against Carbon. This demo exhibited how one can indeed create, read, update, and delete data in Carbon using only front-end code (JavaScript, HTML, and CSS) and without the need to understand or even use Linked Data vocabularies and concepts. The exercise also demonstrated how Carbon is a great new back-end compliment to the popular front-end framework, Angular 2.