In their last edition, CIO Review recognized Base22 among their top 10 digital transformation services for 2021. According to the magazine, these 10 companies are leaders in helping and enabling organizations to face the business challenges generated by the Covid-19 pandemic. The complete list can be viewed here.
CIO Review also featured a Base22 profile, including an interview with our Chief Revenue Officer Joe Kristy, to accompany the main article on the May 2021 edition. In the profile, Joe talked about Base22’s role with the digital transformation of the State of Ohio and InnovateOhio Platform: a strategic State project to help agencies and programs to transform and better manage their online presence.
The complete online edition of CIO Review, May 2021 edition, is available online. CIO Review is a leading print and digital magazine that bridges the gap between enterprise technology vendors and buyers.
Base22 is a digital consulting firm that helps large organizations and companies in their Digital Transformation journey. As enterprise portal experts, our team has over 15 years of experience with global brands and projects. If you have an upcoming project or your company needs support in its journey, contact us today.