Base22, digital consulting firm, is excited to announce that Rick Magni has joined our Columbus, Ohio team as Senior Account Executive. Rick brings a significant background in IT Strategy and Management from his most recent position as Chief Information Officer of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. He was responsible for leading OHIO EPA through their Digital Transformation initiative.
Joining the team of Base22, Rick will be advising and supporting new clients in their journey of creating modern digital experiences, automating processes, and leveraging the most of enterprise technology. “There have been many challenges over the last 2 years for businesses and families”, said Rick, “One thing that became perfectly clear for companies and government agencies is that having a modern, impactful and scalable digital presence is essential in a rapidly changing world. I am excited to be joining Base22 to help our clients in their Digital Transformation journey to meet these challenges.”
He looks forward to sharing his experiences and insight with prospective corporate and public sector clients.
Base22 is a powerful digital advisory firm that helps global brands & organizations achieve Digital Transformation by helping them envision, adopt and implement new user experiences and automated processes to connect customer and employee experiences across platforms, channels, and operations to harness the power of data and innovative technologies. With over 15 years of history of digital projects with enterprises and large organizations, the digital firm has Delivery Centers in Columbus, Ohio, and Monterrey, Mexico, as well as commercial offices in Dallas, Texas, and Mexico City. If you want to know more about our services, please contact us here.