
The Advantages of Resource Description Framework – RDF

The Advantages of Resource Description Framework – RDF

When reading about Linked Data and the Semantic Web you might not realize that one of the main objectives these standards aim for is improving the value of data. A way of achieving this is making data readable to computers.

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475 316 Margarita Hernández
Expedite Your Web Development with Carbon LDP

Expedite Your Web Development with Carbon LDP

With web development, developers face a lot of difficulties when they have to provide a full-stack solution to a client. Reducing these complexities should be a top priority for everyone involved. Let’s look at one way to simplify development.

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475 316 Alvaro Contreras
Carbon: A Great Backend for Your Next Angular App

Carbon: A Great Backend for Your Next Angular App

What makes Carbon LDP a good fit for Angular applications? Carbon LDP gives you a server and database out-of-the-box. What’s more, it’s all neatly contained in a Docker container, which you can download and run with just a couple of commands. You can have a database ready and running in minutes rather than hours or days.

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475 316 Cody Burleson


Everyone at Base22 loves to learn new ways to make projects faster, more efficient, and more convenient. A successful and productive developer has to be fast and also reliable. That’s why we began using Vue.js in our latest projects. Not only has it helped us in developing powerful and aesthetically appealing websites, it has made the process exponentially more efficient.

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475 316 Mario Contreras
Best Practices for Personalization in Portals and Intranets

Best Practices for Personalization in Portals and Intranets

The trick with personalization is not to overuse it. When designing digital experiences, personalization becomes one of the promises you must keep for an exceptional user experience. Check out these best practices for personalization in portals and intranets.

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475 316 Ben Shoemate
Visual Design Principles

Visual Design Principles

Proper visual design is one of the most important components of a website. Closely related to, and aligning with user experience, visual design is the key to developing aesthetically appealing websites. Why build an unattractive site that users shy away from when a good design can create a memorable and lasting impression for a site visitor.

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475 316 Priscila Mendoza
What is Linked Data?

What is Linked Data?

As part of our simple explainer video series, we wanted to highlight Linked Data, resource description frameworks (RDF), and our tool Carbon LDP. With RDF and Linked Data we have the capability to create relationships between different pieces of information.

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475 316 Jimena Guzmán
Why Your Intranet Sucks (and how to fix it)

Why Your Intranet Sucks (and how to fix it)

Admit it. You can’t find a thing on your company intranet. The search sucks. The navigation sucks. Anything you can find, you don’t trust. It is all out of date, incomplete, wrong, or worst of all — you’re not sure. The only way to communicate is by email. When you have a question, you ask somebody. When you tell people you are going to post a file to the intranet they laugh at you. “Why not just bury it your backyard?” they ask.

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475 316 Ben Shoemate
Start Typing