B2B Growth Made Easy

Our B2B Customer & Distributor Solution brings self-service & personalization to the B2B buying experience with a modern portal powered by Liferay DXP. Leverage an Agile approach 40% faster than traditional technology projects.

expand your e-commerce experience

An Effective B2B Portal Ready to Scale

Are your customers & distributors struggling when ordering via your platform? Our B2B Customer & Distributor Solution helps your users with quick access to information they need, such as inventory status, pricing, & product specs, while delivering personalized experiences. We utilize Digital Experience Platform tools & an agile approach.

Drive Revenue & Orders

Bring scalability & growth to your B2B business.

Increase Satisfaction

Rich & meaningful experiences focusing on your users' needs.

Interface Made for Business

Robust platform with streamlined design & user journeys.

Support B2B Requirements

Our portal solution meets complex requirements.

partner with an experienced digital firm

Delivering modern solutions for organizations around the world

Learn how our solution works. Talk to our team.

Agile B2B transformation in months, not years.

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    B2B Customer & Distributor Solution: Main Features

    From strategy and UI/UX design to launch, we support your business outcomes and technology requirements. Our full-spectrum services and B2B Sales Consulting are the foundation of our solution. 


    Tailored B2B Solution Powered by Liferay

    Liferay DXP powers our portal solution. Integrate systems to streamline ordering & offer frictionless experiences. 


    Personalize Buying Experience

    Offer more than transactions. Personalize & optimize the complete buying experience & enable quick access to info pre and post sales.


    Integrated Sales Portal for B2B Customers

    Provide answers with an integrated B2B Customer Portal without the help of a call center. Leverage self-service transactions & resources.


    Go Mobile with your B2B Sales

    Drive sales on the field with B2B Sales mobile capabilities. Engage your audiences on both desktop and mobile devices. 


    Self-Managed Platform Option

    With Liferay Experience Cloud, leverage features such as autoscaling and monitoring. Let your team focus on what’s important. 

    B2B Customer & Distributor Solution 

    Building Strong & Long-lasting B2B Relationships

    We Build Portals & Solutions 40% Faster than Traditional Companies

    "It’s amazing that we could go from ground zero to a user-centric portal in such a short time."
    VP of Professional Development, Financial Institution

    Industries & Markets

    Thanks to our B2B consulting expertise, our solution benefits companies across different industries, supporting B2B customers, wholesale buyers, distributors, and other business audiences. 




    B2B Companies Challenges

    While every business has challenges, companies that have B2B processes like manufacturing, insurance, logistics and transportation companies get an additional bundle of challenges to deal with. Particularly when the business has both client-facing and business-facing sides – the client-facing end tends to get most of the time and attention as far as new technologies and CX adjustments.

    With complex business models, Commerce capabilities and B2B business software are just a fraction of the buying experience. Here are some of the challenges we focus on with our B2B digital solutions:

    Long, Bureaucratic Business Processes & Complex B2B Buyer Journey

    Your paper-based processes were likely the only option when they were developed, but today, users expect faster and simpler methods that make use of modern technology. For example, paper-based authorization processes can take much longer than with digital counterparts (such as a tailored B2B software or B2B Sales App), and the process may require a steep learning curve to understand which paper documents to use when and where and how each must be submitted. Where on the opposite side, informed digital processes remove those burdens from the user. Streamlining your Commerce, procurement and purchasing processes with a B2B Platform, a B2B Sales Portal, or a B2B Sales App makes your buyers happier working with you and helps give you an edge over the competition. A well-designed B2B buyer journey is key to growth. 

    Heavy Dependencies on Legacy Systems & Siloed Business Technology 

    When a company invested vast amounts in back-office systems, they understandably want to maximize the use of those technologies. Companies also have legacy systems that must exist in the short term, but they may be an obstacle to scalability or growth.  Plus, those applications don’t provide a good CX for either employee or end-user, which makes both B2B buyers and employees jump through more hoops to get where they’re going. A net negative for experience and efficiency. Integrate your ERP, PIM, CRM, or B2B software into a single customer experience driven by a Digital Experience Platform that considers your buyer’s needs to ensure success and satisfaction.

    Technical & Business Complexity

    The more complex your business is, the more complex its solutions need to be by default – but only in the background. The user should not have to deal with that same level of complexity. In fact, giving the appearance of simplicity while completing an intricate dance in the background is part of what makes defining a solution critical. And what makes tailored solutions so important. ERP systems or just an e-commerce platform typically don’t readily integrate content and other information to make a complete buyer experience tailored to their needs. You need a solution that integrates content, processes, and Commerce into a user journey that supports your buyer’s needs without technical complexity. Considering your business model, your existing ecosystem and legacy applications, and your buyers’ needs is critical to building a truly enhanced customer or B2B buyer experience.

    Unengaging Experiences for Wholesale and B2B Buyers 

    Like the younger generations, B2B buyers have increasing expectations about their digital experiences when engaging with business procurement processes. Today, modern users are accustomed to shopping online and demand a seamless digital experience, whether interacting with a B2C or B2B company. For example, a wholesale buyer may want to receive personalized product recommendations for their company based on similar recent purchases. Similarly, a B2B buyer may have a need to make an order while away from their desk, using a B2B sales app. The B2B buyer journey may be different from B2C, but many modern features can be implemented if tailored right to the business model. Companies must invest in designing and building digital experiences that are as modern as B2C experiences, offering ease and convenience, personalized product recommendations, and self-service options for buyers.

    Our Digital Solutions are Tailored to Support your Business Model & B2B Buyer Journey

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